Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wrestlemania, I-65, Private room

When I was a kid I could not wait to wake up and grab the "clicker" was time for wrestling. There was no larger celebrity in the 80s then Hulk Hogan. You your vitamins and say your prayers. I was a little hulkamaniac. This is going somewhere I promise. Well hulk was also famous for nearly being counted out by the ref but when the count got to nine his arm would stay up and he would proced to get off the Mat and pummel his opponent. He was hulk hogan. The past 48 hours I have been placed faced down on the mat. I have suffered through the most agonizing sickness and overall fatigue I have ever experienced. Thursday and Friday I had to lay in the back of my suv just to have the energy to make it. It seems I-65 gets longer each time we head north. Either the government doesn't care about holes or my wonderful drivers think its fun to hit everyone. Fortunately I usually fall asleep around Seymour and wake up as we are pulling in. If their are any women reading this that struggled through morning sickness I salute you. I have had this for one week and never want to see it again. You deserve a gold star. The chemo has gotten really bad it has beaten me down. Fortunately I have my own room in the infusion center so I can sleep. I can taste it in my mouth..nothing taste good. The cisplatin comes out the pores of your skin and you can feel it no matter how many time you wash with a washcloth. It's so disgusting. I am do sick of it. But I know that it is killing the bad stuff and I just have ride it out. Well it's Saturday morning and for the last 48 hrs I was face down on the mat with Hulk. But this morning my hand stayed in the air when the count got to nine and I fought myself out of bed and to this blog. The reality is we are 1/3 of the way through this evil treatment. I will make it. Thanks to all of you. Don't forget to say your prayers and eat your vitamins so all my hulkamaniacs can run wild on CANCER! Love you all. BT


  1. Oh Blair. Hang in there. You are surrounded by so much love and support. This will pass. All these words seem so empty, but they are from the heart and they ate all we have to offer right now. Healing energy is being sent to you!

  2. Thanks! Getting some much needed rest! Only Monday of chemo next week so hopefully I can get some energy back.
