Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Game Face

Well at least this was my mentality as I awoke Monday morning.  I did not want to do this and for most of you that have unfortunately dealt with something I don't want to do it's not a pretty sight!  (not my faulty inherited)  Tammie was unable to go with my on the first day and it was really hard for me.  She is definitely my rock!  She is such a strong willed person that sees everything as an opportunity not a challenge.   She has been so awesome throughout this entire ordeal.  I am so fortunate to have her as my wife.  However on this day I had to do this alone.   Before she left she gave me a stern look (one I had seen many times in our 9 years together) and simply said "put your game face on and do this....I love you"   It was strange....It really just changed my demeanor  all together.    GAMEFACE!

The ride up was definitely like the many road trips I had made up I-65 to Muncie and the great Ball State University!  I wish I was headed up to spend one more night in the Big Green Mansion or wherever the Phi Sig brothers would end up the next morning.  This resulted in many a morning in the front lawn on a couch.   This ride was different.  The hardest part of this process is that I feel fine....I am not sick.....I can still do all the things I have done before.  Now I am about to put poison in my body that is going to make me sick......lose my hair....lower my WBC.     This is something I really struggled with.   It's just not natural! 

We arrive at the hospital and I am in suite B!  I thought that was an interesting way of calling your chemo room....SUITE!   I would compare that to a SUITE at the Salem Motel.   When they called me in I was in pod B-3.  I was quickly given an IV the first of five for the week.  My nurse Lorie was amazing.  My setup looked like a cubicle in an office building  I had my own TV and a recliner......not a very nice recliner at that.   I received my anti-sick pills next.....I started to get sick.  I asked the nurse.....ah I thought these were suppose to prevent me from getting sick?   They called and got me some different pills and I felt much better.   I would then receive a bag of Saline.....freezing.  The first Drug I received was Platinum....you guessed it the metal.   At this point I start thinking I am going to come out of this looking like Cobra Commander!
The Second drug is a nasty one Bleomycin...the drug has a toxicity to your lungs and I could immediately feel my lungs constrict.  It went ok and I got through it.  Nausea really begin to set in during this drug and I had to have more anti-nausea meds called in but after I took them I was fine.  Another Saline drip for an hour.....then Finish with a drug call Cisplatin.  The biggest side effect to this one is to your kidneys.   I literally drank 80 oz of water in my chair....if anyone wants to make a lot of money then design a smaller or more mobile IV cart...this thing is a Bear dragging it to the bathroom.....and go did I go...with the 80 oz of water and the two bags of Saline I was literally in the bathroom over 20 times...

Finally it was all over and we were headed home....the drive seems to drag on but I can't wait to get home to see my little man!  This has been the hardest part of this whole ordeal.  When I had my surgery I couldn't hold him.  He would just crawl up to me and have his arms out but I couldn't lift him.   It killed me!   I am glad he is to young to realize what is going on with his old man.  I just can't wait to get this past me and have the opportunity to be there for him for everything.  

Day 2 Later!   Thanks again for following me on this Journey!  You guys are the greatest!




  1. Plan on keeping up with the blog Thompson.Stay strong we all know you hate losing,and you are a very sore loser at that!(had to put that in there) and this is a battle you WILL win. Thoughts and prayers are with you throughout your journey to whip cancers @$$. If you need anything let me know you have my cell!

  2. We are praying daily for you and your family.

  3. Thanks! I hope you enjoy reading it. It helps pass the time tied to the chair!
