Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chumbawamba,Miles, Misery

I want to apologize to all my loyal blog readers(if anyone is out there) it has been awhile since I have updated this blog!   Needless to say it has been a very trying couple of days but just like our favorite Halloween Character Micheal Meyers, yours truly has once arisen to fight again! I apologize if you are now singing the following song that was added above.  I know it's cheesy but it is definitely  how I have felt in the last few days.  Wednesday evening is when things really went down hill.  Thursday and Friday I had to lay the seats down in the SUV and make a bed just so I could ride up to Indy.  I might end up staying the next time I have my long weeks.  Thankfully I was able to sleep from Scottsburg up both days because I was very sick.   The fatigue has been a huge part of this first cycle as well.   I have never experienced fatigue like this.  I am one who goes with little sleep maybe four hours a night and as never heard of a nap in the afternoon.  But I am lucky not to sleep four hour naps in the afternoon now.   The medications are giving my insomnia so I have had a nice love affair with the Big Ten Network showing classic Michigan football games at 2 am!

I had to push my only treatment of the week back from Monday to Tuesday because I feel very ill on Monday....constant sickness from 4 am monday morning until about 8 pm that evening.  It was mieserable.   Thankfully I got a different prescription that put a stop to the madness.  It is one of the traits that I love about my wife.....when ever she needs something you better get it.   I always put her in charge when I need something from the pharmacy.  They don't tend to question her as much:)

Tuesday I started to feel a little better and we headed up for thankfully our only trip of the week.   I have acquired a head cold which gave the nurses some concerns about giving me my Bleo shot.  This shot is only administered once a week but it is nasty.  It basically jacks up your lungs but kills the cancer at the same time.  Their was some questions about proceeding put they went ahead.   All went well until we literally pulled into the driveway at home.  I begin to shake and tremble I was freezing and yet hot.  We had been warned of this side effect....commonly called the shake/bake...Ricky bobby reference.   We were told that it usually lasted about 4 hours but as long as my temp didn't get over 102 I would come out of it.  You may have heard the term fish out of water....well I literally felt like one flopping around in my bed...freezing with a heating pad.  I finally fell asleep thanks to some benedryl and when I awoke the shakes were gone but I couldn't stop coughing.  The mucus from my cold had a reaction to the shot and I spent the rest of the evening coughing up crap like I had been smoking for thirty years.   I have created a fascination with lemons in this chemo cycle and I have literally eaten two a day.   I don't know why but it takes the metallic taste out and really taste good.   So after all that was on Tuesday....I sat down at 1:30 AM and had a lemon.   It tasted so good.   It actually cleaned out my throat and nasal passages and allowed me to finally get some sleep.

Today has been the best day since last Tuesday.  I have actually been able to take a shower and get out of bed and have dinner with my family.  I really miss not being able to get the little man out of bed in the morning and giving him a bottle.  I know it will all be just a matter of time before it all gets back to normal.

After 24 hours in a car, 6 trips to Indy and 27 hours in treatment we are a monday away from being 1/3 of the way through.   Like the song says "get knocked down, but we get up again"   and when Life gives you Lemons.....Eat them!



  1. You're awesome & so strong & brave! Can't wait until this is all over for you! So many prayers for you & your family! YOU WILL BEAT THIS & HAVE THE LAST LAUGH! Shove it cancer, you aren't welcome here! Love ya Blair!

  2. Strength and healing energy being sent to you, friend!

  3. Yummy Lemons! Looks like we are related! Hang in there bro. You are doing great and showing amazing strength. I love you! Wish I could be there eating lemons and watching late night movies with you. :)

    Fatty Natty
