Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friends,Family and The Town I Love

This entry is going take a different tone then the previous ones! When I started on this journey I was going to try to keep everything a secret to everyone but my family. I didn't really think it was anyone's business what I was going through and I definitely wasn't going to blast my business on Facebook. I am sorry if I have offended but just not my thing. However, I had no choice because I was going to miss my second football practice in over 25 yrs.....the other was the birth of my son. I had to tell the team what was going on and quite frankly it was my duty to tell the kids that they need to make sure and tell there parents if something were to feel different. This is something that many boys struggle with but the fact that this is the number 1 cancer among young men you must be concerned about anything down there. I told the boys in the morning and by noon this thing had went viral! Welcome to the technology age Mr. Thompson! Don't get me wrong I was flattered that it got to so many so fast. However this is Salem (if you live here you get it). The negative to that is so many un truths were coming out you would think I was at the Republican convention! I had one lady after practice tell me she was so sorry that her son HAD always liked me.....hold up lady please stop referring to me in past tense. I am not going anywhere yet! After the team found out I felt like I needed to post on my classroom Facebook page what the facts were And that I wasn't going to die and that everything was going to be ok. The students light up my facebook page with love and prayer requests. We really do have some great young adults in this community. I hope everyone around them will give them the love and nourishment to be able to achieve their dreams. It was from then on I decided I wasn't going to fight this alone. Boy am I glad I made this decision. Salem....if you were to classify kit it with words...you might use quaint, tiny, old-school, afraid of change, but the word that you always find on everyone's list is CARING! I have had a first hand look at the caring our community has when a few of my colleagues and I started a christmas giveaway at the middle school. We collected so many clothes from educators and other members of the community that we were able to provide over a hundred families to have something for Christmas. I also have attended the relay for live at the track what an amazing night for our community. I never dreamed I would be there next year as a survivor but I will!! The outpouring support that has been given to me and my family during this extremely tough situation is something that I will never forget! Every trip up to Indy and every trip back my phone just blows up from either a text message from a friend or old classmate.....or a Facebook comment...or a blog comment. You have know idea the impact that has on someone that is about to have five hours of poison pumped into his body. You guys push me to continue to get out of bed and to drivethe end the hours. You push me to be able to fight off the nausea, you push me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know I will never be able to repay you for what you have done but know that I will always be here for any of you if you ever need a friend! People often ask me why I wanted to move back to a small town with no job opportunities. I alway say because salem is a much bigger and brighter city because of the individuals that live inside it. Once again you all have proven me right. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want to end this post with a special thanks to two of the greatest people in my life my parents. My parents have never missed anything that I have been in during my entire life. Still today as I run on the field to coach I always look to make sure they are in the seats on Friday that they have set for almost thirty years. My parents have been with me everyday through this..many times just sitting in the lobby to offer support when I would finish. This week my parents have already drove eight hours and sit for 11 hours and we are only two days in the week. I am so fortunate to have them still in my life and to have parents that care so much. I have to admit sometimes I have to turn my headphones on because they are a little overbearing. But I know they care. They are really having a hard time with this...heck I cried when I had to take Braylon to get tubes for his ears! But they have never wiped a smile off their faces when talking to me and how we are going to beat this. They truly are special people. I can only hope that I can shower Braylon with the same affection and become the parent that my parents are to me. Sorry if this post was a downer. Im On some serious meds lol! I promise tomorrow will bring laughter. Again thanks for everything. I will not be able to ever repay you for all everyone has done but know I am very humbled and appriected for all you have done and the kind words! We will beat this together! Day 3 tomorrow! Good night God bless Bt


  1. Not a downer post inspirational made me cry I am so glad your doing this blog and your parents,wife,friends,players,community is 100% behind you...thinking of you everyday and prayers

  2. Beautifully written Blair. I am thinking of you daily. You have a hell of a battle before you, but you have never been one to back away from a challenge or lose a fight!! Saw this quote and thought of you. Love ya. Amber

    'Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in the muscles.'

  3. Hey Blair, I saw this poem & it made me think of you! You have so many people that care about you & want to give you support. I am sure it can get annoying at times & come off as nosey-ness (don't think I spelled that correctly, oh well). I know you are going to be fine! As you fight we just want to help give you strenghth, along w/your family. Saying tons of prayers my friend.

    This is my body and with all my might,
    I will prevail with one hell of a fight.
    To the cancer inside, I will battle and kill.
    For that is my body's God given will.
    To my cancer, these words I do send.
    Your life is short and near the end.

  4. Blair,
    Know that we think and pray for you everyday! :) We know you can do this. You will win! Call if you ever need a thing. P.S. I did see your mom in H&R today, those cookies must have been a hit!
    Ben and Whitney Bowers
    "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."-Helen Keller

  5. Not a downer at all, honey - just the truth. Keep telling' it!
    You are surrounded by love and support.
    Bonnie & Richard
