Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So last Monday I have my initial meeting with Dr. E. When he entered the room it was almost like the first time you see the shark on Jaws! My mouth dropped! Now even though this has been a common occurrence (especially for a sport celebrity) I had never for a dr. but Meeting this guy just made me feel like he could cure what I had no matter what. He first just poked his head in and uttered these words. " I am dr. E and I wil cure you! Be back in a sec". Know that's an intro! He did eventually come back and tell me my diagnosis. Going scientific: Testiculsr cancer is made up of two particular groups Seminoma and non-seminoma The first being the easiest to treat and (you guessed it) non-seminoma is the harder. Can you Guess which I was lucky enough to win? Ding ding non is correct! What makes non-seminoma harder to treat is that it is made up of different types of tumors all which have to be treated differently.

 My diagnosis I'm really not sure why I wasnt freaking out the day I found out what my diagnosis was?....I am going to chalk it up as my denial that I really did have cancer..and my strong faith! Dr. E confirmed I had cancer then he walked over to a chart in the room. Tammie started to cry and I started thinking the worse.....it's all over my body! Dr. E then proceeded to tell us that the cancer had spread....I nearly lost my lunch. But it had only spread to two lymph nodes in my stomach. Lymph nodes? Lymphoma? This isn't good... Dr. E quickly put my fears to rest when he told me that testicular cancer in your lymphs were totally different then lymphoma....wheew! My official diagnosis was stage 2a. Which means the cancer got out the testicle and spread. It is this closest I could have gotten to a one. I have 2 lymph nodes affect but the are small 1.9 cm and .5 cm....these numbers are going to be huge as we move forward. The tricky part in my case is that my tumor is 50/50 two types of cancer. The first is the 2nd fastest moving called Embryonal Carcinoma. EC is tricky in that it can skip lymph modes fast but it is the easiest killed the chemo. The second type is called teratoma. It is the slowest moving cancer but does not react to chemo. The problem with this is we have no idea what the lymph nodes in my case are made of...the could be all EC...all Tera.,..or combination of both.

Dr. E said I was looking at rplnd surgery again don't google. It's pretty much being gutted like a fish and then having the lymph nodes in your stomach removed....option 2 was to have chemo then the surgery. It was a pleaseant ride home to say the least. I tried to concentrate on the fact that Dr. E gave me a 100% cure rate drs. Don't do that! But for a guy who had never recieved a stitch heck I haven't even twisted and ankle. This was huge. We get home and I get a call from Dr. E."Blair we are going with chemo and there is a chance based in your blood markers you may not need the RPlnd" best news I have had yet! Day one chemo next. Thanks for joing me'

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